The Energy Archaeology Oracle Deck + Guidebook

be in relationship with and present for the conversation your body has been wanting to have with you.

witness the incredible intelligence that flows through your marrow and is encoded in your bones.

 let your bones lead you to your deepest embodied wisdom, and recognize the guidance inside yourself.

The Energy Archaeology Oracle Deck invites you into conversation with your bones. It is a gateway for accessing the wisdom held in your depths, and a translator for your bone-deep knowing.

Working with these cards and with your bones brings you into conversation with parts of yourself that have been calling out for attention - sometimes for years, sometimes for generations.

Scroll through for the message that resonates with you today

Your movement in this lifetime, borne of your intuitive guidance, is how your energy needs to activate on the physical plane.

There is wisdom in opening gently, until you can look at the wild coursing rivers of flow in your life and marvel at their beauty and genius.

Embodied attachment is settled and wise, knowing that people and things can come and go, and you’re still safe. You still belong.

You are attuned to exist in the physical world the same way that all of nature is: fully embodied in your form, and delightfully on purpose.

Your sacrum, a place of confluence, accepts only your belonging, so you can accept and embrace it, too.

Your truth is the blessing. This bone does not tell you that everything happened for a reason, it simply helps you hold what happened.

Growing your capacity can feel raw, like opening old wounds to expose tender energy that isn’t yet tested or sure of the world around it.

A catalyst will initiate change, but you must also nurture your capacity to sustain it.

You are responsible for creating your life. But because you are a human, a child of the universe, you’re not doing it alone.

You are intricately connected to and embedded within the great ancestral web of life. It will lead you everywhere, and straight back to your core.

Creation isn’t a process you can plan, time, or put constraints around. It takes as long as it takes. And through it, you are transformed.

In the dreaming, you have permission to be with the wholeness of your humanity. You receive the medicine you need from this place.

You can become stuck in expectation. But remember, there is no such thing as a block, only something you’re not yet willing to allow.

Flexibility is how you moderate and modulate confluences of energy while not compromising your alignment. It is a graceful dance.

Forgiveness is a radical act of self-compassion. Create clarity around what you’re willing to carry forward, and release yourself.

You are here to give generously, to feel pleasure in the very essence of being a human who can transform this world.

Graciousness is softness. There will always be an opportunity to practice this imperfect way of moving through the world.

Your ego is the landscape within which you live your life. But landscapes are ever-changing, and nature does not attach meaning to itself.

You are a powerful creator, but you live in a world that can both affirm and deny that power. Stretch into your expansion.

Your energetic alignment to what you inherit — what you choose to perpetuate, and what you choose to release — is your legacy.

To do anything with inspiration it must be embodied. Let inspiration move through you so it can move your life in the direction of your dreams.

Integration is the true essence of embodiment, and you cannot integrate something until you can be with it.

Listen for your Truth. You’ll know it when you hear it. It will feel like a tide of renewed energy and will shake the bedrock of expectation.

You have the ability to love and to receive love. You have both the great strength and great softness to turn towards love.

Openness is an invitation and a moment-by-moment way of being. A state of becoming. An unfolding and spreading out.

Slow down and gain perspective. Work with your environment, rather than react to it. 
Change the future by purposeful design.

Pleasure is your body guiding you to a state of receptiveness not often found outside the realm of sensation.

You can create a potential future much brighter, more equitable, and more just than the world in which you found your voice.

True power in this world is not power over nature or power over people, but power within yourself.

When you are willing to be Who You Are, pride opens and clears the channel for more energy to flow to you and through you.

Protecting and holding as sacred the visceral, emotional intelligence of your body requires discernment.

Trust the pulse of your life. It syncs with a rhythm that is deeply resonant throughout your body and the energies you connect to.

If you can be, in this moment, who you need to be for a different world, then that world is already here, and you can receive it.

You are designed with the spaciousness to be meticulous. To walk your path with an embodied precision that knows you are never off-purpose.

You get to choose what you do with what you’ve been given. You don’t have to accept — or reject — something holistically.

Resonance is both embodied wisdom and a doorway through which you can travel deeper.

When you caretake the needs of your inner child, you release the weight of responsibility and create capacity in response-ability.

Close yourself to the outside for a while and nourish your own rhythms. Here, you can find the pulse of your life.

Sovereignty knows that Self, not selfishness, is its set point. It looks inward for alignment, and then outward for how to move in relationship.

Your stability is the strength to stand or endure. When disturbed from your energetic equilibrium, you have the capability to restore yourself.

Support is not only connecting to resources in the physical and etheric realms, but balancing them as well. Trust they both will flow.

Surrender is a choice you can freely make when you trust that you are supported, and are willing to receive that support and protection.

Let it burn. Let it dissolve into ash so form can be reborn. You are lighting your own path.

Reflect on the past and dream of your future, but remember that straight ahead is your home.

You are the one who creates and stewards the vision for your life. Allow yourself to be guided by what others cannot see. 

Vulnerability is neither strength nor weakness; it’s softness. It’s your humanity. And it is a gift that you first must give to yourself.

Your wisdom has deep roots. It’s precious and timeless — and through you, it graces this Earth right when it’s needed.

When you believe you are worthy, it ripples out from you, echoes across the land, and restores your energy to wholeness.



Explore your bones

The inquiry questions in the guidebook are designed to help you excavate beliefs, stories, and energy you hold in your bones and foundations. You may find that these prompts illuminate a deeper line of inquiry for you to dive into, or they excavate exactly what you needed to recognize in yourself.


The wisdom in the guidebook, and the wisdom it evokes in your own body, mind, and spirit, are the heart of this oracle deck. Each card is named for the wisdom is transmits to you, and the guidebook is primarily arranged by these keywords. This is how you read these cards in relation to one another in a spread or as a daily card draw. What wisdom are you being guided to embody?


The energy of each bone naturally flows in a way that supports its wisdom. The illustration, energy, and essence of each card is to recognize and evoke that natural flow in your foundations. These cards are energetically charged to stimulate the energetic pattern in each bone that's illustrated.


While not the purpose of this deck, knowing where a bone is located in the body, and how it relates to and articulates with other bones, is important. You'll begin to understand how the pieces come together to make up the whole. You'll recognize how to understand your story within the context of your body.


Every bone in your body has certain attributes, or properties. How does it flow energy? What is it like when it's in balance? What about when it's out of balance? What other bones does it relate to or flow with? In this section of the guidebook you'll explore all of those things, and begin to relate this bone to habits and behaviors that show up in your own life.


Flip through the guidebook to find the card you need in three ways:
  • By looking at the top left for the card name;
  • Watching for the card image on the bottom left page, or
  • Searching for the bone or bone group on the right-hand side of the spread.
Each two-page spread is written in sections, so you can easily read what you want, what catches your eye, or only what you need that day.

skimmable pages

Guidance, but make it embodied

48  4.75" x 2.75" cards with rounded corners on 350 gsm stock with matte finish and champagne edges

120-page full-color guidebook with bone properties, anatomy, energy flow, and embodied wisdom

rigid upright lid and bottom box for storing and protecting your deck - signed and numbered for the first 1000 orders!

instant access to the online guidebook as soon as you purchase. get started exploring your bones immediately!

Deck and guidebook specifications

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Every single person can listen to what their bones have to say. Yes, even you.

But just like everything else in life, when you're learning something new it's good to have a guide.

I've been where you are (truly) and it took years of sitting in meditation and in session with other people just like you to find the pattern and language of the bones.

What I've put into this deck is everything you need to get started having bone-deep conversations and understanding the language of your body.

Energetic embodiment guide, deck creator, and bone wisdom translator.

hey there, I'm ashley!

Your skeleton is miraculous

It holds and translates the story of your lifetimes through the foundational energetic structure of your bones. It underpins and grounds your core energetic resonance in this lifetime, as well as data and energies being brought forward from your ancestral lineages, past lives, and other dimensional realities.

The Energy Archaeology Oracle Deck and accompanying guidebook have coalesced the framework of your energetic bone body and present a simple, usable way to understand how energy flows and functions at this level. The framework for embodied energy in these cards and throughout the following pages is a drastic departure from what you may have learned about your body or even your energy.

I have spent thousands of hours exploring this energetic scaffolding on my own and in individual and group sessions with clients. The wisdom presented in this deck and these pages is a knowing. It has come through me and is as natural as my beating heart. I didn’t learn what is presented here — I know it at the deepest level of my soul.
You could even say I know it in my bones.

This same knowing is in your bones and is waking up, as if stretching after a long slumber. You will feel it as you begin to work with this deck. A nudge here, a twinge there, the faintest whisper of truth as you read these words.

This deck and guidebook will help you understand the story contained within your foundational energetic anatomy.

This is the story of your bones.

Breathe in this wisdom and let it settle in your marrow.

Xx - Ashley

What is the deck like? How thick are the cards?

The deck is 48 tarot-sized cards with rounded corners on luxurious thick card stock. They have a matte finish and champagne edges.

The box is a two-part rigid upright box. This first edition printing are signed and numbered on the rear of the top of the box.

What's the guidebook like?

The guidebook is full color, and includes four sections:
  • Understanding the deck - reading and interpreting the cards
  • Working with the deck - how to use your deck +7 embodied intuition spreads
  • Deepen your understanding - anatomy, bone Alchemy, Archetypal energy, Elemental correspondence, and hand dominance
  • The Energy Archaeology Oracle - two-page spreads for each card including sections for: properties, anatomy, energy, wisdom, and reflection questions.and easily searchable by keyword or by the bone name!

Questions + Answers

Can I order wholesale for my shop?

Yes, absolutely! Fill out this form and I'll be in touch about your order.

what is the online guidebook?

The entire guidebook has been put online as a course through the ThriveCart platform "Learn." As soon as you purchase your physical copy of the deck, you'll also gain access to the "course" version online - for free! You'll get an email from ThriveCart to set up your account, so make sure to watch your inbox!

If you order through a stockist or on Etsy, you will not get immediate access to the online course - that happens through this page only.

If you have a copy of the deck and did not receive access (you purchased it somewhere other than this site) send me a copy of your receipt and you will be added.

if you'd like to buy locally, save on long shipping carbon emissions, or see the deck in person, here are a list of stockists:

Indie Tarot - Netherlands
Roi de Coupes - France
Core Magik - Portugal
The Wootique London - UK
Cauldron & Co. - Australia
The Woo Woo Shop - New Zealand
A Riffle in Time - USA
Pyramid - USA
Good Earth Gatherings - USA
Artisan Tarot - USA

If you purchase from a stockist, send your receipt to to gain access to the online version of the guidebook.

Why is the guidebook online?

The guidebook was put online to make the Energy Archaeology Oracle more accessible. Not only can you pull it up from any device with cellular service or WiFi, but also:

Anyone who speaks English as a second language can translate the guidebook in their browser! The translation may not be as perfect as if it were done with care by a human who understands the intention of the words, but it'll be a huge help in making it less mentally taxing to process.

For those of you who have tired eyes, or your vision isn't the best, you can increase the font size on a tablet so the words are easier to read than in the guidebook.

If you take things in better by listening, you can use a screen reader for the online guidebook and have it read to you.

Your bones are calling

I'm so excited for you, and thrilled that you've found this deck to guide you in your journey of bone-deep knowing. The guidebook, journal prompts, and oracle cards are consciously created to help you access depths in your body, and the wisdom held there, like never before.

It can be this easy to trust your bones and trust yourSelf.